Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A perfect (healthy) Valentines date for little Miss Peggy

A perfect (healthy) Valentines date for little Miss Peggy
By: Enrico M. Claro

Just after the close of the hustle and bustle of the holidays comes another special occasion to celebrate with your loved one and baby to be…Valentine’s Day!  You want everything to be special, perfect and momentous on this day of love.  For years now you have celebrated it with the mindset to top off the previous year but now suddenly it’s going to be a bit different because in a few months time you would be expecting your newborn.  Added pressure indeed! But there’s still hope for loving spouses out there with a few tips you’ll sure to make this Valentine’s Date the best yet!

Good nutrition is always on the menu —though in some restaurants, you'll have to look a little more closely to find it. Whether it's a quick lunch or a five-course feast at a four-star restaurant, keep in mind that it’s your baby-nourishing duty to keep watch of your baby's nutritional best interests. 

If you have a wife, fiancée or girlfriend who is expecting, you can always customize your date to make this holiday even more special for her by tweaking her menu a bit.  Take a look at a few of these ideas for adding to your Valentine's Day date for a pregnant woman and show her not only that you love her, but that you care about her comfort, health and well being too!

·         Choose the restaurant.  Pick your restaurant of choice by experience or reputation.  Certain restaurants are better suited for the pregnant diner than others like a fish restaurant with a salad bar but never a sushi bar.  You may want to choose out of that spicy new Indian place or that eatery that is known for fried food.

·         Be proactive on the special requests. You're not the only picky eater these days.  Waiters, staff and chefs in most establishments are used to (if still not always particularly happy with) substitutions of all kinds.  Go ahead and hold the mayo, ask for your dressing and sauce on the side; skip the bacon and blue cheese on the Cobb, see if the steak can be served cooked through. By doing this you also show how you care about what she eats on this special day.

·         Watch your portions. Many restaurants serve meals with portions large enough to feed small villages. Resist the temptation to force finish your food for you might pay the price of indigestion later, not to mention added pounds.  An alternative is to leave over what you're too full to eat and doggie bag leftovers for tomorrow's lunch or dinner.  Half-portions could also be requested if desired.

·         Bread Talk.  Look for whole-grain options when you dig into the bread basket.  If you can't locate any, ask if the kitchen has some on hand.  An alternative would be whole-wheat bread.  No wheat in sight?  Have some white but try not to fill up on those empty calories.  Instead, quickly order a healthy appetizer.

·         Green is the way to go! Make a habit of ordering a salad or grilled veggies as your first course, or a sautéed leafy green such as spinach, kang kong  or broccoli as a side.

·         Soup it up.  If there's bean or vegetable soup on the menu, order a bowlful.  Same goes for tomato-based broths and chowders (take Manhattan when it comes to clam). Avoid bisques and other cream soups unless they're made with milk or yogurt in lieu of heavy cream and butter.  The only way to know is to ask. Don't be shy; everybody's doing it these days.  Besides, you're date is pregnant and it's quite obvious why you're nutrition-conscious.

·         Super side dishes.  Even fast-food restaurants offer healthy side dishes.   Ask for steamed veggies or that baked potato instead of the fries or onion rings.  Brown or wild rice is also super side dishes.

·         Fill up before dessert.  Try not to save room for that dessert, but if you're still hungry or looking for something sweet after the main course, ask for fresh fruit, sorbet, or frozen yogurt rather than the traditional chocolate dessert oft valentine.

For food choices here are some guidelines:

Most restaurants have menu choices for pregnant women, but if you are unsure about any dish on the menu, don't be hesitate to ask exactly what they contain or how they have been cooked. If a waiter seems uncertain, you may ask him to double-check. Here are a few guidelines to help you decide what to order for her:

·         Entrée.  Avoid eating raw fish, such as sushi and oysters, and go for cooked dishes, such as grilled fish or prawns. Patés and terrines could contain listeria, so are best avoided. Chilled, savory soufflés and mousses may be made with raw egg whites, so ask before you order.

·         Buffets.  Avoid pre-prepared salads from a salad-bar or smorgasbord as they may contain listeria. Also avoid cooked meats such as ham, salami or cooked and cold chicken or ready-to-eat peeled prawns from a smorgasbord. Choose cooked vegetables or a salad made in the kitchen to your order. If you choose cooked meat dishes make sure they are steaming hot or ask them to be heated for you.

·         Main courses.  Steak tartare, sushi and other raw meat and fish dishes are potential danger areas.   Instead, opt for meat or fish that is cooked thoroughly, so that the juices run clear. If you are having steak, ask to have it well done. Again, ask about any sauces you are not sure about; freshly made hollandaise sauce contains raw eggs, and forms the basis for mousseline and Béarnaise sauces.

·         Desserts.  Soufflés and mousses may contain raw eggs. Tiramisu often contains raw egg white. Home-made ice creams may include uncooked egg, but crème brulée and caramel custard are fine, because the eggs are cooked.

·         Drinks.  Experts now recommend that there is no safe level at which you can drink alcohol during pregnancy so it's better to play it safe and order a fruit juice or mocktail (NHMRC 2009). After your meal, if you love coffee, bear in mind that you should limit your caffeine intake. You could have decaffeinated coffee, or a mint tea, which is a great digestive.

Pregnancy is an important time for her to feel as much love and support as you can give.  There are many ways to plan for a date for a pregnant woman on Valentine's Day to show your love.  The bottom-line is that the effort and preparation you did to make her feel special and cared for is what Valentine’s Day is all about.

Set the Christmas mood with good music – There is nothing like good Christmas music to experience the yuletide season with the family.  Look for old and new compilations familiar to you and set up your sound system or make a playlist in your portable media player for easy playback of songs.  There’s always a different and nostalgic feeling when you hear Christmas songs playing in the background when doing Christmas activities because it puts a cheer into anyone’s heart.
        A picture is worth a thousand words – To help preserve your Christmas memories you should be sure to take lots of pictures and videos.  Ready your trusty camera or video recorder so you’re sure not to miss those precious moments.  This way you’ll have something to pass down and share with other family members through the years, not to mention proof of your valiant efforts this holiday season!
        Lastly, Enjoy each others company – There is nothing more heartwarming this Christmas than being with your loved ones and spreading joy and laughter together.  After all you have done to make things perfect it’s always nice to have someone to share it with.  Whatever the outcome it may be the spirit of Christmas is love and giving the whole year through.

With this in hand, you are now prepared to face the holiday season with confidence. With the help of family and friends there is no doubt that this Christmas will be a night to remember for everyone. It is also the time to give back to all the moms that have gone through all the pains and pangs of childbirth by taking charge of the household once in a while in this glorious occasion.  Let us always remember that the emphasis of the season is not by material gifts, elaborate parties or exorbitant spending but is centered to Jesus Christ and selfless love to others.  Happy holidays!

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