Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pregnancy terms for the dad to be

Glossary of Pregnancy terms for the dad to be
By: Enrico M. Claro

Does the words “We’re pregnant” sound familiar these days? More than ever, men are now actively involved throughout the pregnancy experience. The term “expectant father” really does fit, as men worry, support and plan together with their pregnant partners.  Most likely, Dads are bombarded with new and unfamiliar terms during the whole pregnancy without any notice!  This time we put some of the usual and not so usual terms in a glossary mode for easy search and reference.

Abortion:                   The termination of a pregnancy through the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.  - A definite “red flag” for any expectant mother and father, this is what is sought to be avoided.
Amniotic fluid:         The fluid that surrounds a developing fetus.
Amniotic sac:           The bag in which the fetus and amniotic fluid are contained during pregnancy.  - This is the baby’s home for the coming 9 months.
Anesthesia:               Medically induced loss of sensation. General anesthesia involves the entire body; local anesthesia involves only a particular area.  - Also related to the term “anesthesiologist” which is expected to follow your OB-Gyne in the delivery of your bundle of joy… not to mention the bundled Professional fees! (Wink)
Breech:                      Fetal position in which the feet or buttocks of the baby are closest to the mother's cervix when labor begins.  - A term a parent doesn’t want to hear when nearing the expected date of delivery.
Cervix:                       The lower portion of the uterus which extends into the vagina.
Cesarean section:   Also known as “CS” is a delivery of an infant through an incision in the abdominal and uterine walls.  – Another term that is disliked for various reasons but most commonly is synonymous to “expensive” or “added professional fees”.  We all want a normal delivery but “CS” is becoming a more common delivery method there days with a ratio of 9/10 pregnancies to-date.
Colostrum:                The milk secreted shortly before and for a few days after childbirth.
Congenital:               Present at birth.
Crowning:                 The point in labor when the head of the baby can be seen at the vagina.
Doppler:                    A machine that uses ultrasound to detect the fetal heart. – quite a wonderful contraption used by your “OB” during monthly check-ups where the doctor places some kind of jelly on the mothers tummy and rolls the “Doppler” on it to target the baby’s heart to measure the heart rate.
Ectopic pregnancy: Pregnancy in which the embryo begins to grow outside the uterus, often in one of the fallopian tubes.
Epidural:                   A type of local anesthesia used to relieve pain during delivery.
Ectopic pregnancy:            Pregnancy in which the embryo begins to grow outside the uterus, often in one of the fallopian tubes.
Epidural:                   A type of local anesthesia used to relieve pain during delivery.
Fetus:                         The name given to the baby in the womb from eight weeks until birth
Hemorrhage:            Heavy bleeding – Not one term one wants to hear during pregnancy, if not properly addressed in time could lead to unintentional abortion of the fetus.
Jaundice:                   Inability of the body to break down excess red blood cells. – Usually shows yellowish skin tone in newborns as a result.
Labor:                        Childbirth, the aptly-named experience of delivering the baby and placenta from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world. There are two stages of labor. During the first stage (called the stage of dilatation), the cervix dilates fully to a diameter of about 10 cm. In the second stage (called the stage of expulsion), the baby moves out through the cervix and vagina to be born.
Lactation:                 Production of milk by the breasts.
Lightening:               The time when the baby descends into the pelvic cavity in preparation for birth.  Also known as engagement.
Linea nigra:              A dark line that appears on the abdomen during pregnancy.
Lochia:                       The discharge of blood, mucus, and other fluids from the vagina after childbirth.
Meconium:               The bowel contents of a baby at birth. – Usually a dark brown to black discharge.
Morning sickness:  Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. 
Mucus:                       A sticky substance produced by glands.
Neonatal:                  Pertaining to a newborn infant.
Obstetrician:            A doctor who specializes in care of women during pregnancy and childbirth. – Also called “OB” or OB-GYNE”, they are the ones who will deliver your baby; On-call 24 hours a day.
Ovulation:                 Release of the egg from the ovary.
Placenta:                   The structure through which the fetus receives nourishment and oxygen during gestation.
Placenta previa:     A condition in which the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix, hindering vaginal delivery. – Get ready to go “CS” when you hear this from your “OB” because this is most likely the procedure that will be done.
Postpartum:             After birth. – Usually followed by “depression” for mothers after giving birth.  Dads need to be supportive at this stage of pregnancy.
Pre-eclampsia:        A disorder of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and kidney malfunction.
Quickening:              The first fetal movements felt by the mother.
Striae:                        Streaks or "stretch marks" seen on the abdomen of a pregnant woman. – Not a term that wants to be heard by any mother.  Usually gives rise to various myths on how to prevent such from happening; but medically is said that is not caused by scratching, but by the stretching of the skin.
Tubal pregnancy:   The most common form of ectopic pregnancy, in which a fertilized egg begins to develop in the fallopian tube.
Show:                         The blood-stained mucus from the vagina, indicating that labor is about to begin. – Literally a show you wouldn’t want to miss.
Sonography:             The use of ultrasound to form an image of the fetus. – One exiting moment for any expectant parent.  It’s also the time when the baby’s sex could be determined as well as the condition and estimated date of delivery.
Umbilical cord:        The structure through which the fetus draws blood from the placenta.
Vernix:                       A white, waxy substance that covers the fetus in the uterus.

Pregnancy is a wonderful stage to go through and cherish together hand-in-hand by mom and dad and preparation is always the key to success.

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